Are your ready to sell your business?
You shed blood, sweat, and tears for years building your company. Perhaps now you’re pondering whether it’s time to move on, sell the business, and begin enjoying the fruits of your labor.
Or maybe you're just interested in selling part of the business or a subsidiary.
The steps you take from this point forward are some of the most critical decisions you will ever make.
One wrong step in this process can cost you millions of dollars and years of hard work.

One of the top three mistakes business owners make when selling their company is believing they can do it all on their own.
You need an expert.
You need someone that has been there before and has helped business owners like you exit with maximum dollars. You need someone that possesses the skills, connections, and the track record to get it done for you--a mergers and acquisition expert.
We have sold hundreds of businesses across multiple industries. We have been working with business owners just like you for decades.
To steal a phrase from Farmers Insurance, “We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two.”
Finding the right buyer is paramount, regardless if you’re just selling part of your company or the entire business. You need someone who will maintain your legacy that you spent so many years trying to build, but you also want someone that’s going to care for your employees when you leave.
Another mistake business owners most commonly make is selling to the wrong buyer
Your business carries a vastly different value from one buyer to the next.
There are two types of buyers we help you target: strategic and financial.
The key is knowing the difference between the two buyers, who they are, and how to approach them. This is where our expertise comes into play.
- A financial buyer is often attracted to the revenue stream your business can bring to his business.
- A strategic buyer is more interested in how your business can help him achieve his company’s strategic or expansion goals.
We have spent decades building and retaining relationships with both financial and strategic buyers. We have over 2,000 financial buyers in our database.
Strategic buyers are different for each deal, and our research staff is expert at uncovering them. This effort can take hundreds of man hours over the life of a transaction, and we do not stop until we have a deal.
Our goal is to find more than one buyer, and conduct our confidential auction process.
We work to ensure you are able to sell to someone you can trust and at the highest possible exit price. Our company motto is: "We don't do anything for practice."
Is now the right time to sell your business?
Some businesses are selling for a premium right now.
Others are selling at bargain prices.
Find out if now's the time to cash out or the time to refine and position yourself for a sale down the road.
These 10 questions can provide the answer.

We are customer concentration specialists
We can sell a good business that has significant customer concentration.
Consider this scenario:
You’ve got a great business. Consistent sales and profits, year after year. But most of those sales are to one customer. Say 60% of your business’ sales are to one company. Say it’s 75%. Say it’s 95%. It doesn't really matter...
Business brokers, professionals, and buyers alike tend to either:
- reject the situation or
- talk about low cash offers loaded with contingencies to mitigate the risk of losing the big customer.
We view the situation differently.
We find there are often good reasons for the customer concentration.
Maybe your customer is great to work with, or pays better, or pays on time, or is the best in their industry, or maybe it’s something else entirely.
Once we understand the customer concentration, we focus our efforts to find a buyer that understands, or perhaps even prefers the situation. This takes experience, research, dedication, and not giving up. You don’t get a customer concentration deal done by rounding up the usual suspects.
Our biggest deal of 2019 was a 90% customer concentration deal, a parts manufacturer that sold for six times all cash. The buyer liked their big customer and was using the deal in part as a foot in the door with that customer.
Don’t leave money on the table just because you have customer issues. Call us. We will give you a free valuation. We will represent your company only if we think we can sell it.
In addition to the normal information that we need to value your business, we will need an understanding of the customer concentration and the reasons for it.
40-Point Business Exit Checklist
Thinking about selling your business or a subsidiary?
Get prepared with our 40-point Business Exit Checklist. Preparation is the first step to maximizing your potential payday.
It’s a free template that gives you a head start on everything you’ll need to assemble prior to putting your business on the market.